Week 11

Marked the pattern on my repousse piece and turned it over in the pitch bowl. Did another piece of aluminium (based on gorse seed form), another 2 houses using scrap wire, porcelain and simple filigree. Lee showed us machine knitting and wire weaving. Teena showed us using spirflame for detailed fine wire work. Brilliant Japanese textile exhibition at Dovecot in Edinburgh.Image and

Week 10

Plenty of time in the workshop this week, mid term assessment on Thursday so self directed on 3 days. Teena showed us forging, I think we were too heavy handed, but it’s basically what I’ve been doing with fold forming. Tried fold forming aluminium (looks like pie trays) and made more wee houses with different materials. Experimented with soldering close to porcelain and I think it works if you heat the porcelain evenly as you go.Image

Week 9

Where do the weeks go to? Made some rivets by drawing copper wire to fit the drill bit hole and blobbing the end the with the high temp torch then cutting to length and squeezing with the pliers (thanks for tip Nuno). Used some blobbed wire to make these ‘seed heads’ Also made some ‘lathe’ turned wire, but with a hand drill. Had a bit of a breakthrough on the Vessel project, pictured top. Downloaded a book on metal folding to my kindle and bought more stakes on e-bay (must stop this) Need to try filigree and have a cheap torch for this – which can also be used for ice sculpture.

Week 8

tin can, wood, aluminium, wire

Nuno (artist residence) helped me set up pitch bowl for chasing and repousse. I have a book out the library, but I think I’ll ask him to show me how next week (made a tentative start). Made a wee box with my ring to practice rivets and finished the hinged box. Riveted a wee house, melted a wire blob with the super heat torch (and melted the torch) It seems to be an oxygen hydrogen mix produced by electrolytic process with alcohol vapour (I think to make it visible) it burns super hot. Bought another stake, a wee vice and anvil on e-bay – a bit addictive.