week 23

parian mussel shell

parian mussel shell

elm ash glaze fired

elm ash glaze fired

smoke house glaze fired

smoke house glaze fired

mermaid brooch

mermaid brooch

workshop this week was stone setting. We started a bevel setting, but were delayed by drawing down wire individually, so nothing is finished yet.

I got lots of things back from firing – the slip cast mussel shell and the ash glaze trials.

I spent a day making an image for the laser cutter, which may (or not) get cut next week.


aluminium rock pool brooch

aluminium rock pool brooch

week 22

Workshop this week was finishing the tools.


wood ash and clay for glaze


final sieving of ash glaze


sample glazes – 25%, 50%, 75% ash

shore wynd to Harbourhead

View from fishmonger to Harbourhead

smoke house ceiling

smoke house ceiling

smokehouse door


smoke house outer door

smoke house outer door

I worked in ceramics mostly – finished the ash glazes, made a parian (posh porcelain) mussel shell and glazed some more pieces. I also finished an aluminium piece – sublimation printed, milled with fishskin to shape, pierced and riveted with a wee silver fitting. I can’t decide whether to put resin and shell sand in it or not.

week 21

seaweed sketches

seaweed and shell sketches

We made stone setting tools, mine are not quite finished. I also made a 3 part slip casting mould from a mussel shell, the process pics are still on my phone. I got some pieces glazed, did some sketching, played with patination and set down my 20 brooch designs.

patinate copy

ammonia, salt and vinegar on copper

patinate3 copy

ammonia (sawdust) on copper

patinate4 copy

ammonia (sawdust) copper