Bone and nettle necklace

I went from sparkly little girl necklaces to a beach-combing, sustainable piece this week.

It uses nettle string through drilled bone, small turquoise beads and beach finds to make an environmentally friendly necklace.

The finds include a piece of a whistle, and a tube lid. It also has a piece of pau shell, a mother of pearl offcut and a disc from an old necklace. The copper clasp is bound to the nettle string using old electrical copper wire.

East Neuk Open Studios – visit me


While I was holidaying in Greece at New Year I was applying to be part of the East Neuk Open Studios this year. I’m pleased to say I’ve been accepted and you may come and visit my fledgling studio in May and October to see what I’m up to.


My Studiostudioenos

edipsosteamenosThermal water Edipsos

The weekends  are  23-24th and 30-31st May, 10.30 – 6.30pm  and 10-11th and 17-18th October, 10.30 – 4.30pm