iron lintel – the story continues

I spent several days fettling and chasing the iron lintel and cutting off bits that weren’t required. Eden (Senior Tech SSW) assisted with this process – giving advice and moving the piece around for me. He also finalised an ingenious scheme for affixing the piece at its final location.


The lintel just fitted into my van and with further ingenious thinking from Eden it was stowed in a manner that I would be able to get it out by myself (or at least with one other)

I took it over to Stoer and we unloaded it. Unfortunately the weather was changing so the noble lintel moving team called off moving it to the broch that day, but they got together later to carry it in. My heart-felt thanks to them.


We now await a decision on the final location so the lintel can be installed at the broch site where it belongs,

Cambo stables exhibition


Still time to drop into the new visitor heritage centre at Cambo and see some artworks. Some local artists, including Keny Drew, Judith Heald and Linda Jackson, have a horse stall each to display their work. This is mine.


It’s a lovely display area and there are interesting displays about the history of the estate and the stables.


Most days you will find the cafe and shop open as well.


also your eyes may focus better than my photos…

They reopen 4th January 2018.

Charm bracelets


This is a silver charm bracelet that I finished for Christmas. It’s a commission for a friend with a piece from the Thames foreshore, from the beach in Fife, a witch stone from New Zealand for luck, a silver threepence and a part of an old earring. So it’s quite special, includes lucky amulets and each piece has a story. I plan to do more for Valentine’s Day.

RSA Open 2017


Yes, I got selected, well “Firenze” did.

Thank-you to Jo for delivering the piece, Charles for the plinth, Axel for the photos, the Bradshaw bursary for getting me to Florence and the lovely people at Alchimia for their mentoring.


It’s a small sculptural piece in brass, copper and silver solder with heat oxidisation inspired by the architecture of the Oltrarno, Florence.


I had a fun morning  showing Kat and Trisha how to sand-cast. I managed not to take pictures, but they both made bowls and shell pieces.

We worked outside as it was a stunning day (still is)


Just popped out for proof!


Anyway it reminded me that I have two further workshops scheduled for this year:

8th August Plantlore and Jewellery as part of Pittenweem Arts Festivalbroochlichen

This is a brooch made at an earlier Plantlore workshopworkshop


and a week long sand casting workshop in The Algarve 13th to 20th November at Aqua Ventura.


Plant lore workshop

Lots of people came to the plant lore and jewellery making workshop at SSW today.


About 17 people came along


and worked hard


I demonstrated how to make some pieces


These two brooches were popular


and several variations of the aspen earring were made


This simple earring was one of my favourites


And this brooch had a lovely composition


We had plenty of local plant material to incorporate using mainly wire wrapping and threading techniques. We also shared some stories about plant use in Scotland and the local area.